Manage Your Wellness Mindset
Whether you are hoping to grow in your understanding of food & fitness or build a foundation for health that fits into your lifestyle, mindset is so important. Getting stuck in a rut can set a mindset on autopilot to an extent where negativity begins to overshadow reality. But redirecting to create a vision of wellness and finding your focus can be simple. Staying alert and aware of the mindset behind your wellness goals can provide depth to your routines and increase motivation. It’s not too late!
Read on to discover 5 Ways to Manage Your Wellness Mindset and learn how you can begin creating or enhancing your wellness routine.
Spend time identifying your specific ABCs of food, fitness and self-care. Think of a particular goal that is special to you (big or small) and survey your feelings surrounding the goal. Are they positive or negative? Do your thoughts build you up or tear you down? What are the consequences of those thoughts? Be aware that your thoughts Activate your emotions, determine your Behaviors and end with specific Consequences related to your goal achievement.
Consider the use of a trap. It is to enclose, capture and disallow movement. Make the choice to avoid negative thinking traps surrounding food, fitness and self-care. Sometimes thinking traps may look like rigid patterns in thinking. Other times they are condemning thoughts that bring guilt instead of grace. Identify those traps and decide to cue yourself each time you’re on a path that leads to a trap. Spend time considering what you miss when you're trapped in negative thinking and turn it toward the positive. Find freedom in your thoughts surrounding wellness and choose to take or create an alternate path.
We aren't talking about Iceberg Lettuce - although eating lots of greens is highly encouraged! But did you know? Up to 90% of an iceberg is hidden beneath the surface of the water. Set aside time to identify core values and beliefs that fuel your thinking about food, fitness and wellness. Try to identify those hidden icebergs that are shaping your views of wellness. Often times, much of our core values and beliefs stem from our past experiences, our personality traits, our likes and dislikes.
Asking "what" questions can help identify those hidden icebergs impacting your wellness journey.
Being a lifelong learner, committed to growing in knowledge is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself. Even as adults, there are so many wonders to discover - especially when it comes to food, fitness and self-care. Are you motivated to learn?
Motivation is a foundation for successful learning, but negative attitudes toward growth may limit your success. Decide to learn something new about the relationship between food, fitness and your body. Learning has the ability to change your brain for the better!
Is your commitment to wellness dwindling? Maybe you've been struggling to see the progress for which you were hoping? Make it a priority to "hunt the good stuff" on a regular basis! Have you made choices to eat more vegetables? Have you spent more time outdoors moving your body? Or maybe there’s been an increase in your energy levels. Notice and analyze what is GOOD in your wellness progress.
Big or small - there is always something positive on which to reflect. When you think on the good, your mood will improve and you'll be on your way to greater success.
If you’re in need of more when it comes to mindset, check out Aspen Wellness Resources for a few free downloads or subscribe to Aspen Wellness Weekly.
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