Aspen Wellness

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Dimensional Wellness


At times, it seems like such an ambiguous word. What comes to mind when considering the term “wellness”? Maybe it’s a word that signifies an emotional state or something used to gauge a level of health in regards to fitness and nutrition? Do you ever consider the importance of workplace wellness? What about the significance of spiritual, intellectual or social wellness?

As the University of Maryland Health Center explains,

“Wellness is more than health, it is living fully. We believe wellness is conscious and inclusive, self-directed and evolving, holistic and multidimensional, positive and affirming. Wellness is fueling your body, engaging your mind, and nurturing your spirit. How we think about wellness is affected by our culture and our life experiences” (1).

Total wellness is truly about connections. Connections within the body. Connections to food and nutrition. Connections to movement. Connections with others. As humans, we are blessed to be a direct representation of connectivity; our bodies house an instinctive desire to be whole. The mission behind Aspen Wellness is to promote wholeness by highlighting the connections between what you eat, how you move and how you think.  Each dimension affects the other dimensions, so without a unique balance our bodies can quickly become off kilter.


According to the national wellness institute, these 6 Dimensions of Wellness are necessary for maintaining overall health (3):

  • Emotional

  • Intellectual

  • Occupational

  • Physical

  • Social

  • Spiritual

One of the premises behind Aspen Wellness is to inform and educate readers on these dimensions while empowering with practical applications for development. We believe that wellness takes cultivation and awareness. It is something that requires personal involvement and effort. It is a journey but an exciting one that leaves a feeling of fulfillment. Sometimes it requires a change in focus from fighting the old into building the new.  As you feel empowered you’ll gravitate toward healthier choices, gain vitality, become empowered and experience optimal living.

For more information on dimensional wellness head to the NWI website.